The Small Business Owner's Guide to Digital Marketing

A step-by-step guide to double or triple your customers through your Google Business Profile

The Google Business Profile Strategy Guide

  • A step-by-step guide to double or triple your customers.

  • Without paying an agency thousands per month.

Update: Google My Business is now called "Google Business Profile".

If you're reading this, then you know how powerful Google Business Profile can be for generating customers.

But you're not happy with your results...

Or you're not sure how to get started without burning time and money.

With that in mind, I would like to present the Blueprint.

Hi, I'm Josh Pack

  1. 1,200+ companies use my process to build revenue engines with Google Business Profile. (You'll hear from them below.)

  2. More than 20,000 business owners have read my research

  3. Over the last 8 years, I've personally optimized 600+ Google Business Profiles.

  4. Check my LinkedIn Profile to see my experience.

What is the GBP Blueprint?

Every business has a set of tasks that are repeated over and over again.

If they're smart, they...

  • Identify those tasks.

  • Document them.

  • And improve them each time.

For the last 9 years, building high-performance Google Business Profiles has been a large part of my business.

The GBP Blueprint is my set of processes for building Google Business Profiles that consistently outperform the market. It's built to accelerate your results.

The GBP Blueprint is the result of:

  • 397,000 search results pages scraped.

  • Over 900,000 Google Business Profiles analyzed.

  • More than 600 Profiles optimized.

What happens when you follow the GBP Blueprint?

  1. It gets you better rankings in Google Search and Maps.

  2. Those rankings drive new customers to your business.

  3. Those customers add more reviews and engagement to your Profile.

  4. This accelerates your visibility - which gets you even more customers.

The GBP Blueprint gets results like this

  1. A law firm increased phone calls by 125%.

  2. A flower shop doubled foot traffic.

  3. An e-commerce store added six figures in extra revenue (by doing this in multiple cities).

  4. A home services company increased leads by 600%.

  5. A dog trainer turned her hobby into a six figure income.

  6. An agency added 5 figures in monthly recurring revenue (MRR).

Those aren't random, flash-in-the-pan results.

The customers and revenue keep flowing for these businesses, months and years down the road.

What members are saying

"As a dental practice in a market as big as Houston, Texas, I never thought I would reach the top ranks on Google search and maps.

My goal was just to try to get on the first page. I tried 2 SEO companies, but neither were able to get me to the first page.

I went out on a limb and bought Josh's content. I followed it exactly. Not only did I reach the first page, but I maintained the top rank in my field for 2 years.

I recently moved my practice and needed to start over. I emailed Josh to get the most updated info, and he sent me a link within a day! Truly outstanding product, and truly outstanding service."

- Dr. Hadi Ghazzouli, Owner of Abington Dental Care

"Josh, I just want to say how much of a pleasure it was to use your system.

It was straight forward, right to the point, and for my business extremely effective!

I have managed to rank to the top of Google Maps and now receive a minimum of 40 calls a month from Google.

I am a small HVAC contractor and this is huge for my business. Your program holds incredible value well above the actual cost.

And it doesn't stop there.

You send out emails with tips and tricks on business and they are so simple yet filled with incredible information and insight.

Josh, hats off to you for changing my business and life with this incredible program. Best decision to date for my business."

- Ray Ross, Owner of Ray Ross Plumbing & Heating

Who's this for?

Small Business Owners + Operators:

This will walk you through everything in an easy-to-apply format.

The goal is to execute - not to confuse you with technical terms.

(If you're busy - you can delegate this to someone else in your company.)

What's inside?

The GBP Blueprint is a set of processes, organized into 4 phases:

Phase 1: Profile Optimization

  • Checklists for optimizing all features of your Profile.

  • Clear if-then statements on when you should and should not use a feature.

  • How to effectively optimize and geo-tag your photos.

  • How to get your Profile verified in difficult markets (Google calls them "Your Money or Your Life" markets).

Phase 2: Citations

  • A primer on how to effectively build citations.

  • A complete list of citation sources, organized by industry and geography.

  • For those of your who would rather outsource this - I've provided a solution for how to do so.

  • An *insider tip* that gives me a competitive edge in almost every market.

Phase 3: Review Velocity

  • Strategies and tools for automating the review process.

  • High leverage executions for ramping up the velocity of your reviews.

  • How to get reviews in "sensitive" industries where people don't want to publicly talk about their experiences.

Phase 4: The E3 Formula

  • Google Business Posts (how-to, examples, templates, and a calendar to follow).

  • Expanding your visibility on Google Search and Maps (by ethically gaming the system).

  • Easy to follow strategies for increasing your Profile's engagement rates.

Tracking Results

  • How to access Insights in your Google Business account (what the data means and its limitations).

  • Free and paid tools for tracking the footprint of your Profile in Google Maps (very insightful, since visibility is partially dependent on user location).

Here's what you get

The GBP Blueprint

You get instant access to all of my processes and strategies for transforming your Profile into a revenue engine.

This is the 4-phase framework shown above.

Free Updates for Life

You get free updates and lifetime access for the one-time fee.

Google is constantly making changes to how their search engine works.

The Blueprint is kept up to date to reflect these changes.

New strategies are also added - once I'm sure they'll improve results.

Bonus #1: Engagement Overdrive

This is a special report that lives outside of the Execution Plan.

It outlines a deceptively simple tactic that can be used as a force-multiplier for your Profile.

You'll see calls and visits spike when you use it.

"Since implementing Josh's Blueprint 4 months ago, we've had a 750% increase in unit requests."

- Sean Mackey, Owner of Life Storage

"Your plan has been a huge factor in growing my little dog training business from making hobby income to being on track for six figures this year.

I know this is small potatoes in the real world, but for a one person home based business in a small market, it has been a big blessing to me."

- Rebecca James, Owner of At Attention Dog Training

"I had some reservations about ordering the Blueprint since you see this type of stuff on social media pretty often.

I wish I had ordered it earlier!

We saw a 200% increase in traffic in just 7 days. Who knew that simple little adjustments can deliver so much."

- Frank Pechinka, Owner of Radon-Rid, LLC

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can't I hire an agency to do this for me?

Of course you can.

But it's more expensive - and you won't know if they're doing a good job or not.

Most agencies will charge $6,000 per year to manage your Profile.

($500/month - on an annual contract.)

For most businesses, it's more cost effective to do it themselves. Especially in this economic environment.

Isn't the Google Business Profile dashboard going away? I heard it's all through Google Maps now.

A few things:

1. If you manage multiple Profiles - you'll still be using the dashboard. It's not going anywhere.

2. If you only manage one Profile - then it can be managed directly on Search and Maps. The Blueprint shows you how.

3. If you want to optimize your Profile on a mobile device, then you can do that using the Google Maps app. Again - the Blueprint shows you how.

I'm not a "techie" - will I be able to use this?

Yes, of course.

The Blueprint was built for action.

Not to confuse you with a bunch of technical terms.

The processes are kept as simple and as actionable as possible - without compromising results.

I've had my Profile for a while. Will the Blueprint still add value to my business?


Many companies aren't aware of all the levers they can pull to improve their results.

That's what the Blueprint shows you.

How fast can I expect results?

Once you've followed the processes, you can expect to see results within 4 weeks.

Most times, they come within 2 weeks.

This is in contrast to traditional SEO, where you may need to wait anywhere between 3-18 months to see the payoff.

Office: Norristown, PA

Call (215) 607-7993



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